Wednesday, October 26, 2016

[New Release] Galaxxor Stat Cards, Set 01

Yesterday we released official stat cards to play with your Galaxxor vinyl figures in Kaiju Kaos. I'm personally very excited about this collaboration with Ben Spencer - THANKS BEN!

This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:

This deck contains a Stat Card for the following:

  • Berserker – Special Ability
  • Omega Power (BW12) – Melee Weapon

This deck also contains one Collectible Trading Card:

  • Konga photo by Bryan K. Borgman (card #17)

Thursday, October 13, 2016

[Anniversary] Stratos is 16!

On this date in 2000, Bryan K. Borgman adopted the moniker "Stratos" and began releasing electronic music. My first two projects were The Screen - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack and Cosmic Christmas (which would eventually become techNO*EL).

Download mp3s or purchase CDs today!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

[New Release] Robots for Smackdown!

Here's what's new -> Kaiju Kaos: Robot Stat Cards, Set 01

This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:

  • Anconian Robot – Scout Specialist, Anconian Confederation
  • Anconian Robot – Support Specialist, Anconian Confederation
  • Beng-Arii Robot – Reconnaissance, Beng-Arii Syndicate
  • Beng-Arii Robot – Support Specialist, Beng-Aii Syndicate
  • Mercenary Robot – Anti-Vehicle Specialist, Mercenary
  • Mercenary Robot – Scout Specialist, Mercenary
  • SMF Robot – Combat Engineer, Special Mission Force
  • SMF Robot – Reconnaissance, Special Mission Force

This deck also contains one Collectible Trading Card:

Purchase your copy of the PDF or print-on-demand cards today!

The game stat directory pages for the following Kaiju Kaos factions have also been updated to reflect this new release:

Purchase from

New game stat cards coming on October 25... Galaxxor!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

[New Release] Minerva Monster Stat Card & Trading Card

Last week we released a "pay what you want" PDF of Kaiju Kaos game stats for the Minerva Monster. Today we are pleased to announce that you can now order physical, print-on-demand, poker-sized playing cards of the whole PDF for just $0.99!

You do need to have an account with in order to make this purchase but membership is free and while you're there you can order all of our other titles as well! :)

Also included in this deck...